Session 8, so so so SO GREAT.

Callooh callay!!! Today was day one of session 8 and it certainly did not disappoint. We met some friends over in Woods Hole, and others came down to the ferry in Vineyard Haven to meet us. As the boat pulled into the island, we had our very own welcome committee down there dressed up, singing, and dancing… it’s been way too long since we’ve all seen one another so the excitement was long overdue. After greeting each other and giving the Vineyard a taste of how we get down at Camp Jabberwocky, we continued the celebration all the way back up to camp. Once we got back, we celebrated even more, had some birthday cake (Happy Birthday Joe, we miss you so!) and unpacked. Next was…. TIE DYE! This is Kelsey’s 8th week of tie-dye in a row! It’s also the 8th week of tie-dye in a row for the picnic tables on the black top and they are now considered a Jabberwocky Original that will some day be featured in the Lourve. After that, we headed up to get washed up for dinner. We enjoyed delicious Greek-style grilled chicken and shrimp, now we know we always rave about the kitchen staff here but this was next level. A few of us gave some announcements after dinner, some performances (watching after-meal-time-interpretive-dancing is fantastic for the digestive system, so we try to make a routine of it, and Claire has this job in the bag!). We scooted up to our cabins for our sweatshirts and loaded the vans up to head to West Chop where we got to see a gorgeous sunset. It’s the perfect first night activity because it allows us take long-overdue photos, visit, and eat ice cream after our travels. We were not disappointed by that sunset!!!!

We thanked the Vineyard for birthday!

Love, Camp



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