Celebrating Frabjous Faith!

We went to bed last night hoping that the sun would come back out and warm us up, and we’re so thankful that it did!

We ate breakfast and went straight into morning classes. Madeline hosted an art class where we decorated lanterns for our evening activity and JoJo hosted a cooking class to make pastelillos for lunch.

We had a little bit of downtime before lunch so James and Sean went on a bike ride with Jamie and Daniel.

Sussie and Ophelia also enjoyed a bike ride around town!

A little birdy told me that the Momeraths boys (Sam S., George, and Sam W.) were being extra helpful around camp today!

Here’s Sam S. working on the kitchen laundry.

And here’s Sam S. helping prepare lunch!

Sam W. and George were also helping out TONS (like setting the tables for lunch) and we’re sorry we missed capturing a photo of them in action!

Today was Faith’s birthday!! Faith has celebrated decades of birthday’s at camp. She missed celebrating last year since we couldn’t have camp but we made up for it by giving her double the love on her birthday this year. We love you Faith!!!!

After lunch, we packed up and went to the beach to soak up the sun after a few gray days.

Another little birdy told me that Dr. Tim’s mom really likes to see pictures of him on the blog. ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE!!!!

We’re never taking ourselves too seriously at camp…

Dinner was pretty special tonight. Some of us got dressed up just for the heck of it!

Then we played games, had illumination night, and ate backdoor donuts.

Wow. How did we fit all of that in just one day??? It’s like time doesn’t exist when we’re together at camp, in the best way possible.

We can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and see what the day has in store for us. We have a feeling it will be another great one.




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