In a Saturdaze: Road racing, Dispatch concert, and a birthday party!

In a Saturdaze: Road racing, Dispatch concert, and a birthday party!

This morning a few of us rolled out of bed early and ran the Chillmark Road Race! We all crossed the finish line (albeit at different times…) with a callooh and a callay!

(post race)

Back at camp, classes proceeded and some grabbed breakfast!

After lunch, we played Capture the Flag!

He’s got the flag! Run! 

After that, we made our way into town to see Dispatch, an indie band, perform! A HUGE thank you to Beach Road Weekend for donating tickets to us; we danced and ate the evening away at the festival and had the time of our lives!

Following the concert, we celebrated not one, but TWO birthdays in the main cabin! Cake was served, songs were sung, and piñatas were broken!

Happiest of birthdays to Chris & Richard:

Thanks for reading and see you again tomorrow!




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