Last one, Great one!

Another day down in the books for August Camp! We slept in late and ate some pancakes for breakfast. Some campers headed to church and others participated in yoga at camp.
Lunch came and past, we loved hanging out with our friends. Some campers gave some last minute announcements, songs, and dances.
The last beach trip of the summer was upon us. Some took that chance and posed for some awesome pictures.
Others ventured into town to eat ice cream, drink cappuccinos, play cornhole, and pet big (really big) dogs!
After our last August Camp Jabberwocky 2018 dinner together (boo, waaah, so sad) we headed to the Aquinnah cliffs to see the sunset. We didn’t get to see much of the sun, but we saw lots of love and hugs between our friends! Plus, more ice cream to top it off!
Here’s a picture of all of us!
We had a tremendous time at camp this month! We can’t even believe its been a month, where did all the time go?? Thanks for following us on our journey! Thanks to all the supporters, parents, camp staff, counselors, and especially campers for making this summer an unforgettable one! Can’t wait for next year! WE ARE CAMP JABBERWOCKY!!
“For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow, For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow, For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow, Which Nobody can Deny!” Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip HOORAY!!!!!

One Response

  1. liz goulart
    August 21, 2018

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