Out and A-Boat

We were on so many different kinds of boats today! Starting with the ferry boat. We were all kind of bummed this morning because our week one contingent headed out after many hugs and see-you-next-years

However, the ferry boat ride back brought back so many more friends!!! Our week two gang brought the energy and smiles right back into camp!

We all managed to take bites of our lunches between catching up and giving hugs. Then (surprise surprise) we went to the beach!!! Today sure was a scorcher, which only made the water feel that much better!

(Speaking of boats, please note our usage of rafts and other floatation devices)

From the beach, we split off into several different directions. A group went to Long Point and got into little one and two-person boats (kayaks). They had a blast and wrapped up their evening with sandwiches and watching the sun set over the water.

Another group went to Oak Bluffs and all got on one big boat with lots of fishing poles (the Skipper!!). Many fish were caught and then promptly un-caught and returned back to their fishy friends.

The final group headed back to camp, and paddled down the stream to Vineyard Haven. (By “paddled” we mean “walked”, and by “stream” we mean “street”). In town, there was ice cream to be eaten and window shopping to be done! However, it’s hard to use cameras with sticky fingers, so you’ll just have to imagine how delicious our treats were.

Finally, all of us long-wearied travelers and adventurers reconvened back at camp, said our good-nights, and fell asleep before our heads hit the pillows. This whole post has actually been the product of sleep-blogging.

See you tomorrow!



P.S. Here is a picture of the Skipper himself! Just kidding, it’s Justin, but he looks like such a pro that we know we fooled ya.


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