We woke up to rain, rain and more rain. However, we didn’t let that put a damper on our morning. We filled our morning with music, and three great classes.
One class was making Under the Sea pudding with Keagan!
Another class was playing board games with Sophie!
Our last class was writing letters to home and making thank you cards for Hudson’s band Ubuntu.
After lunch, we took some time to explore the costume cabin in preparation for studio night. Since we were unable to run in the Chillmark Road Race this morning, Drew, Chris, Keagan, Lara and Sarah took Kyle, Emmy and Tori for a run to West Chop and back this afternoon once the rain stopped while the rest of camp watched Moana in the studio.
Before dinner, we split into three different groups. Some people went to the Alpaca farm while others either went painting in Owen Park or Crabbing in Owen Park.
After dinner, we went to the studio for Studio Night! Each cabin performed a skit or put on a short performance for everyone. At the end, we had a few solos as well! We made the best of a rainy day and are looking forward to some sunshine tomorrow!