Studio Night and First Day of Classes

We worked hard in our classes this morning.

Eugenia taught a voice class

George is not afraid to drop it low to Justin Beiber. He is not sorry.

We had a pizza party for dinner (the cooks “got a break” tho they spent all day prepping for dinner tomorrow).

Sam made his pizza healthy with a fork full of salad.
Studio Night!

Sam sang Beauty and the Beast

Jay took a photo of his daughters dancing.

Juan and Myles had a dance off.

Sam and Pat were almost evenly matched in the Kung Fu art of “that’s my shirt”.

Backstreet is back. Jake introduced us to his many impressive impersonations.

Andres saved Melissa from a purple shark.

Mamma Mia, Peter plays hard to get.

Hannah told us some of her choicest jokes.

Don’t go to Dave and Mike’s Soul Emporium……all they have is cultural appropriation…

…and shark hallucinations.

Matt sang along with Dancing Queen.

Caroline sang one of her original compositions.

She was soon joined by Jason. He can’t resist an acoustic rendition of a song about lost love.

Scott and Alex sang a song from ‘Rookie of the Year’.

Matt spoke up about his counselors indigestion.

A master of distraction…

…Skye moves to fast to be caught

Marley can take a pie to the face like a champ.

Faith showed off her standing prowess! GO Faith!

Gotta go get our beauty sleep. We have to look fresh and be coherent at church tomorrow.


One Response

  1. denise
    June 27, 2017

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