Good news! Your ever-brilliant blogger has successfully avoided technical difficulties this evening, so get ready for a big ol’ blog post!
Today was our first full day of camp, which means our first full day of classes and activities.
After classes, the weather forecast did not appear to be in our favor. So instead of everyone loading to go to the beach, we split up and went on separate adventures. A few brave souls made ventured to the beach with Jack while the rest of us made our own fun at camp or on trips to town.
We spent a little time on the porch swings…
Okay, maybe not just a little…
Alright, we spent a LOT of time on the porch swings…
But we also went to town!
We reconvened back at camp just in time for dinner. Then, we finished dinner just in time for the clouds to break. The sudden shift in the weather called for celebration, so we all hopped on the bus and made it to Big Pier in West Chop to watch the sunset.
Well, today was a day for the books! Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.