Today we woke up early, celebrated the return of Howe and Hank (two professional music-class-teachers) by preparing for the play…
Here’s a video of music class!
… and also celebrated the brief arrival of this awesome dog.
…and then proceeded to cry with sadness because we were saying goodbye to so many good friends (WE MISS YOU GEORGE, PATTY, PETE, DICK, MATT, SETH, HANNAH, KEENAN, NANCY, RAY, AND HILLARY!)
and then cried with joy because we saw there were so many OTHER old and new friends waiting for us to pick them up and bring them back to our camp home!
When everyone got back to camp, we sorted meds and ate amazing Thanksgiving dinner sandwiches (and our appropriate meds), threw on our bathing suits, packed up the bus, and headed to State Beach!

Bethie is back! And she was thrilled to spend the day catching up with old friends in her new (?!) cabin! Goodbye Tulgeymamas, hell-oooOOOO JUBJUBMAMAS.

Sue is another Jub Jub mama this year! She told us that she is ready to get this party started! We couldn’t agree more, Sue!

This is Holly! Holly is a wonderful new camper who loves so many things. She has been telling us about her friends and family and favorite activities and we are all so excited she is here!

And THIS is Matt! Matt is also a new camper who has been especially excited about swimming, sandcastle building, s’mores, cabins, and new friends. Welcome to Jabberwocky, Matt!

Dominic is back!! He has been grinning and dancing and playing with some old and new friends. He has also reclaimed his rest period spot on the hammock. Well played, Dom.

Skylar is back, too! He brought with him a beautiful new book filled with wonderful camp photos and memories, and we are totally going to have to get a bigger book for all the great things happening this summer!
Today was, as we like to say in New England, a reaaaaal scorchah, so we pulled out some boats and inner tubes and dove into the ocean to cool down and terrorize friends by splashing them.
While some people engaged in water-based warfare, Skye and Tim thought that they would try some more ancient forms of battle: Sumo-beach-noogie-wrestling.

It looked like Tim had a clear advantage from the beginning, since he can pick up Skye as though he were a medium-sized sack of potatoes…

Sharon had the right idea to stay out of all forms of warfare and enjoy some nice relaxing surf instead!

and the magnificent Jon also stayed out of the water, but regaled us with stories from his year and awesome books that he brought to the beach! We’re so happy you are back, Jon!

The lovely Shirley immediately started tanning on the beach before hitting the surf! Shirley, we missed your energy and we are so happy you are back!
All in all, the first beach day of second session was a huge, sunny, amazing success. And we didn’t even leave anyone behind!
We all then took showers, ate a delicious dinner cooked by our new chef: Dan Raemer! (aka MAGGIE’S DAD) and Wallis! (aka MAGGIE’S MOM) and listened to some great stories from our old and new campers!
Here is Holly leading the whole camp in a rendition of BINGO!
We have only had half a day of second session, but we are already happy to be here, sleepy from celebrating, and excited for the rest of the time!
ps LEIF IS HERE TOO but he was swimming all beach trip and couldn’t be easily spotted. Look forward to a Leif feature tomorrow.