Play All Day

Today was practice, practice, and practice some more.
It was a cool day, so only a few went to the beach.
These are photos from the other day.
This play is gonna be so cool.
It’s called,” The Sound on the West Side of the Hills.”
Wait til you see it. It’s unbelievable.

Here’s the missing Jub Jub photo.
You were right, Nora.

Everyone loves a soggy hug.

Celeste plays paparazzi.

Robbie enjoys a swim. Looks cold to me.

Rub a Dub.
Hello? Banana call for Gracie.

Zach and Emmy enjoy a little chat.

We love snacks, yes we do!

Here are some photos from our play prep. We danced, dressed, and practiced our lines.
Places everyone!

All the single ladies!
(and those looking for single ladies)
This shirt won’t be in lost and found.

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