Tuesday – ice cream, tacos, and b-ball

Today we had a special treat on our way to the beach. The “Barneveld Bunch” (Patty’s friends back home in New York) treated us to Dairy Queen. Thank you so much. We stuffed ourselves with sticky stuff and then went swimming to wash it off and maybe even work some of it off.(not likely) Ben took 500 photos at the beach, so I’ll share some of them with you tomorrow.

Today was Taco Tuesday and the cooks really outdid themselves with darling outfits, chili lights, and music. It was quite festive, and tasty too. What will we do next Tuesday?

Here are some photos from our basketball games we held tonight after dinner. Kirk finally arrived (see below, blue shirt) and we were very excited to see him. As you can tell, our counselors love b-ball and like to dress up in tight shorts and write weird things on their skin. (It could be worse). After the games, the counselors gave sweaty hugs to those who didn’t play so they could experience some of the fun. We don’t know who won, but since we weren’t giving out any gold medals, it really didn’t matter.


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