Here are the photos from yesterday’s horseback riding lesson. (And you thought I’d forget)

Hannah inspects one of the plastic cones. She has an eye for detail.

Paul gets a boost up, and looks mighty fine in the saddle.

Taylor and the gang go for a stroll.

Since it was changeover day, there were only a few campers and counselors left at camp to clean cabins, change beds, and play the “Move to a New Cabin Without Losing Any Belongings” game. Hardly anyone wins this game. It takes great skill and practice. The blogger spent the day in the laundry folding and such, and wondering why anyone would pay to go to a sauna.
The campers had music, pottery, and a rip-snorting game of Bingo. We know how to have a good time.

“Judy, I got a lousy card. It doesn’t have any of the numbers!” Justin complained.

After lunch, we hurried to the beach. It was too hot to dawdle, so we rushed to unpack the new campers and hung out in the water all afternoon.

Gary tries out his new goggles. (Very smart)

Michael takes his daily dip.

After dinner, it was off for another sunset at West Chop. It’s beautiful and relaxing and free.


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