
Another sunny day greeted us here on the island. In fact it was downright hot and we had the fans going in most of the cabins. After breakfast we all got sweaty participating in a serious drum session down in the studio. Rick had set up just about every drum on the island down there and we banged away with rhythmic delight. If our neighbors were unaware that Camp Jabberwocky was back in session they certainly know now.

After lunch we all piled once again into the bus and headed for our favorite beach. It was pretty much a perfect beach day and we had some good times in the water and horsing around in the sand. Here is a picture Dr. Steve took of Manny in heaven:

Our noble founder Hellcat arrived and we all cheered for her. She’s 94! On the way back we got to singing on the bus and treated everyone on Main Street to our lovely rendition of the national anthem.

Hellcat gave us a pep talk before dinner and declared things to be looking good and then after dinner those snappy fellows from The Vineyard Sound came to give us a special concert. Jason got up and sang with them and we all cheered right on through “Zombie Jamboree”. Thanks guys!

We hit the sack early because we’re all tired, the good kind of tired though. Here’s some great pics from day one which Dr. Steve passed along. Our doctor is also a photographer! Or maybe it’s the other way around. Already Day One seems like a distant memory, and it’s only Day Three!


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