2and Day, Beach Day

We all awoke to a nice warm sunny day here on the island. Some of us awoke to wet beds as well, but that’s fast becoming a first night tradition here at Jabberwocky. Anyway, we ate a hearty breakfast and hit the ground running, so to speak, with a morning of music and classes. Here’s new camper Myles taking a mighty swing in sports class.

And here’s Dick creating an artistic masterpiece out on the main cabin porch.

After lunch we headed out to the beach with orders that everyone must get in the water. We all did!

Here’s second year camper Matt L. taking his first Vineyard swim of the summer with Jonah and Mark.

Matt amazed us all with his underwater prowess last year so we told Jonah and Mark to toss him in. They thought we were kidding but we said, “do it!” So they did.

He survived!

Then David G. serenaded us with some guitar and vocals until it was time to go.

The plan after dinner was to walk downtown and get ice cream but it was Tina’s birthday so first we brought out a cake and sang happy birthday. She started crying! But they were happy tears, or so she said, and we all ate cake and then decided to go downtown and have ice cream too, because what’s better than cake with ice cream?

So tonight was “sugar night” at camp. Here we see proper counselor form as Jordan feeds Vera while she feeds Hannah. Keep those sweets coming, oh yeah!


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