We DONUT believe how amazing today was!

Today’s forecast was rain, but what the forecast didn’t tell us was that it would actually be partly cloudy for 90% of the day but TORRENTIALLY DOWNPOUR for 10% of the day, interspersed throughout. 

Either way, we made the best of a damp situation and the rain didn’t change our plans too much! Thankfully, the new riding ring is indoors so we were still able to send a crew out to hang out with the horses and get a few laps in! Scott helped take some pics of friends for the blog and a few architectural details of the new riding ring!

New England Disabled Sports (aka NEDS) stopped by last night and camped on our field, and Dana, Alan, and Cullen spent the morning teaching some very cool archery classes. Faith, George, and many more all got bullseyes!

There were also some pretty awesome other classes going on, including theater, journaling, dance, and make-some-room-spray-to-mask-the-smell-of-your-socks class!

We all rejoined for lunch, then a group of us went to Island Gymnastics because NEDS had another great activity planned for a lot of us: rock climbing!! They had some really remarkable equipment and enthusiasm that helped everyone who wanted to go rock climbing succeed! Some spider monkeys among us scurried right up the rock face, and others took a more planned and thoughtful route. Either way, everyone made it up and we were so proud of all the people who tried this for the very first time in their lives!

A few other people opted for a casual spa day down the street at the Mansion House, and a couple more even stayed back to start preparing for Studio Night (it’s tomorrow!) But we all regrouped for some delicious ginger garlic noodles from Dan and Wallis and then lined up patiently outside the kitchen for our beautiful Back Door Donut employees to serve up some fritters and more!


A few of our older campers and counselors hit an 80’s dance party tonight as well, but they didn’t get donuts and they did get sweaty so you tell me who had a better night! (It was probably a tie). 

Tomorrow we are so excited for the Mad Max Catamaran! The Dralla Foundation gave us a grant for an amazing day out on the Mad Max, and we are so excited to toss everyone on the boat tomorrow and cruise in some sunshine!! 




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