Monday Funday

We woke up to a rainy day on Martha’s Vineyard, but we didn’t let that put a damper on any of our plans. Following an invigorating morning yoga session, we had two periods of classes, including a master photography class taught by Dr. Steve, picture frame making in art class, a gym class taught by Harry “Hulk” Stimmel, and a dramatic reading and discussion of a commencement speech given by David Foster Wallace led by Mike “Mike” Leon.

Here are some photos from the classes, and a video from yoga.

After a nice long rest, we awoke to VEGAS, BABY set up for us in the main cabin! JoJo “Lady Luck” Slavy De Romero led us in Bingo, while Kyle manned the blackjack table and Tim and his mustache helped with Trivial Pursuit.

Our beloved Ho’s are here for the week, and they have put their children to work already! Kim led a computers class in the morning for Patty and Scott, and then the entire family hosted a Spa Day to pamper, tweeze, and massage us!

Mandy, JWo, and baby Mikey are here to visit for a little while!! We can’t wait to set Mikey and Bella up ASAP. 

After a wonderful dinner provided by the lovely Cynthia and her beautiful friends…

 …we all snuggled and watched the Labyrinth in the studio. We can’t wait to see what kinds of dreams we have tonight!

All in all, it was a refreshing and relaxing day, but we would like for the rain to stop soon.


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