Friday Golf Day!


 Planting class!
 Our new counselor from Camp Looking Glass finally arrived! 

 When is lunch!?!
A bunch of us got to go on a special golfing trip at Mink Meadows.  It was a lot of fun.  Everyone got to hit a ton of balls, and some of us got to use really amazing adapted equipment.  The pictures speak for themselves 🙂

 Seth was AMAZING at golf.  We asked him if he golfs at home.  He said “No. Golf Course.” 
Makes sense to me!
 Skye was another long distance hitter.  The instructor gave him some great tips!

 This golfing chair was awesome!!
 Sharon has been up and out of her chair all summer.  She’s been trying tons of new stuff too!  She’s not letting that shoulder injury hold her back either!

Sully’s daughter, Bella, came for a visit to camp today.  Here’s Myles holding her! 

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