September happenings…

Hey folks

I can’t believe it’s September. Already. But that doesn’t mean the Camp fun stops. No way; not with our group! In fact, here is a post from Maggie R. about a Camp adventure that happened just yesterday…


Today me, Amulya, Claire and Kaitlin drove to Dorchester to pick up Dick! We were about an hour late of course since our GPS would not cooperate but we finally made it! So we kidnapped him and went to a great restaurant near by where we ordered many items off their delicious menu including calimari and train wreck french fries. (SO GOOD!) The meal continued with some hilarious conversation (including how good- looking our waiter was) and great food! Then we brought Dick home (Amulya got lost a few more times.. hahaaa). All in all it was a very fun evening!


Thanks, Maggie, for sharing. It seems like Jabberwocky is keeping very close this year. You have no idea how happy this makes me.

Please keep sending stories, updates, any kind of news. I will post whatever you allow – as long as it’s appropriate, of course.

By the way, where do you get, “Train Wreck” french fries? They sound so interesting… 🙂

Jabberwocky love,


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