email address glitches…

Hi folks

I’ve been doing lots of work with the Jabberwocky 2009 July Session address list, and i’ve found a few typos in people’s email addresses.

The people (that i know) whose email addresses are a little off include:

Dick Sexton
Kelsey Grousebeck
Amy Meller
Scott Scherer
Sierra Williams
Claire Somers
Melissa Pepper
Samantha Leahy
Julia Prince
Peter O’Hara

If you would like the corrections that i have, please email me (my email addy is correct on the list). I am sure they would like each of us to be able to get in touch with them, but i am *not* sure they want their emails out in cyberspace for all the world to see.

IF I’VE MISSED ANYONE, PLEASE let me know. I would really like to have as accurate a list as possible for future use. Thanks!

Jabberwocky love,


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