Kendra and Hannoush

Hey folks!

Ok, so if any of you know Kendra – and really, don’t we all know Kendra, just about? – you *have to* know about how much she loves H A N N O U S H. Kendra loves her “bling,” and she loves the people that work there: most noteably, Sal, Ron, and Jackie. (i have dreams about “SalRonJackie,” and i don’t even know them.)

Well, so this past week Maggie, Mara and Brent picked up Kendra at her high school for a little fun adventure. They drove to the mall, ate lunch at TGI Fridays, and then — wait for it — went to HANNOUSH! From all accounts that i’ve heard thus far, it was quite a day. and Kendra was in her glory!

This is what i love folks: Camp family get togethers. They don’t just happen one month a year. They can happen more often than we know. in big and not-so-big ways. so if you have some happenings going on that involve Camp people, or even just remind you of something we did at camp, write to me at my email ( and let me know about it. i will post it as soon as i can.

have a frabjous day!
Jabberwocky love,

ps. apparently, maggie has posted pictures from the day on her FB account. I haven’t seen them yet, but Kendra’s mom assured me this morning that they are there. Check ’em out! 🙂



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