Wed, Day 2. Whew!

Today, we spent a fun-filled morning singing, rolling clay, creating mosaics, playing kickball, and a small group even got to go kayaking. I gotta tell ya, this place can wear you out!

Yay, we made it to kickball on time!

Michael and Winslow are not letting this ball get by.

After lunch, we decided, despite cloudy skies and Fogey’s protests, to go to the beach and the Dobbies (flying horses)
Nathan’s not sure he picked the right horse

Richard likes his.

Load ’em up.

OK. We’re ready. Anyone see a bus driver? Jack? Mac?

This does not look like a beach day to me.

Danielle’s smiling cause she’s not going in.

Sarah’s ready to go back. Now.

This is called camp water torture.

After dinner, we rocked in the studio.

The Grand Finale
Good night.


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