Camp Jabber-rocky

Faithful readers,

As promised, below you will find stills from our musicale, Wock of Ages:

You would think after all of that rocking and rolling, we would take a few days off major events at Camp Jabberwocky.


Today we had the honor of participating in the ribbon cutting ceremony for the recent upgrades to camp. We are so grateful to the community that made this renovation possible and that continues to invest in Jabberwocky’s future. After a lunch with our wonderful board and donors, we headed to the beach, and then to the band concert in Oak Bluffs. There, Jojo somehow procured 1,000,000 donuts which we enjoyed with abandon.

Morning hang in the living room = time to get those steps, baby

The Tum Tum knoll makes a great spot for stick breaking

Have you ever seen someone look as resplendent in purple?

Cuddling is a major pastime of Camp Jabberwocky

Cathy D teaches a little picnic style yoga




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