Biplanes and Beaches

First, let me start with apologizing for the 7/26 blog being up a day late, we had so much fun all day that we may have fallen asleep as soon as we got back to camp.


Wednesday was a special day especially because a group of campers got to Classic Aviators in Edgartown to go on biplane rides. It was a super amazing experience flying across the island and seeing everything from above, also I’m pretty sure the campers were a lot braver than the counselors.

A lot of our guys wouldn’t have been able to get into the planes if it wasn’t for our lifters, so a huge thank you to Zach, Sarah, Gus, and Alex for all your hard work and help.

Like we do almost every day, we loaded up and headed to the beach after lunch!

After the beach, we came back to camp and had dinner before heading into town for the tabernacle concert. I think everyone at camp can agree Michael Fogelman’s reaction to the playing of ‘Hey Jude’ by The Beatles.

All and all it was a terrific day, and we can’t wait for the rest to come.


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