Share Your Photos…

Okay, here’s the link to a website called “picasa” where we can all download, upload, and order prints of photos taken at camp jabberwocky:

If you go to this link you will see albums containing larger file versions of many of the photos you’ve seen on this blog, plus some new ones, all of which you can download onto your computer or you can order prints to be sent to your home. With just a little work you can also create your own picasa albums (click here to do so) and then we can link to them on our “favorites” section thereby allowing us all to create one big lovely photo-sharing community. Once you have uploaded your photos to picasa or some other similar type of site (Shutterfly, Kodak, Flickr…) please leave a comment on this blog entry with the link so that we can know about it. Hopefully this will work…let’s get connected guys!

And if you go to the link above you can order prints of the great camp photo you see here (click on it to see larger version). Too bad we waited until the last day to take the picture since many of our friends had already left town, but still, it’s a fun shot. Thanks again for an amazing summer everyone…


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